Everyday in His presence:-How to be led by the Holy Spirit.

“And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate, who will never leave you. He is the Holy Spirit, who leads into all truth. The world cannot receive him, because it isn’t looking for him and doesn’t recognize him. But you know him because he lives with you now and later will be in you.”

John‬ ‭14:16-17‬ ‭NLT‬‬

In the beginning was the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. All of creation was made possible by the combined workings of these three. The Trinity existed before life or form was.

Who is the Holy Spirit?

He is a part of the triune God, all knowing and carries out God’s work here on earth.

The Holy Spirit is everywhere with us. He is reading this blogpost with you now. He is more tangible than we can imagine. A person we cannot see who’s primary role is to reveal the truth about Christ Jesus to us. He is the manifest presence of God in us. The presence that makes the difference.

The problem is most people miss this and live by their own power which results in extreme difficulty, time loss and turning in circles.

The Voice of the Holy Spirit is the way of reason. It comes with direction and clarity. While Jesus was on earth, He could only be in one place at a time but with the coming of the Holy Spirit, we have a helper who can be everywhere at once speaking to hearts and minds to bring the plan and purpose of God to fulfilment.

The Holy Spirit didn’t come to take the place of Jesus but to bring to our understanding everything His word says and teach us the mystery we are yet to know. By sending the Holy Spirit to us, Jesus fulfilled His promise of never ever leaving us alone. Just as He said, I will never or forsake you.

There is never a second we are without the Holy Spirit but often times we don’t notice because we have not come to the consciousness of His presence or His modus of operation.

From the day I gave my life to Christ till now, I can confidently say that all I have gotten, the ways that were made plain for me, the dangers I have avoided or come out from or even the health deliverance I have had have been the work of the Holy Spirit. And for the times I disobey the instructions, I get burnt.

The Holy Spirit speaks in diverse way and does not force anyone to listen. He is usually gentle but convincing.

and sometimes, he gives instructions that might not make sense given the prevailing circumstances.

I remember the day I had the leading to go out. That day, there was absolutely no reason for me to go out, but there was this nagging feeling at the back of my mind asking me to go out. And when I obeyed and stepped out, I walked into an opportunity I would have otherwise missed. The Holy Spirit is in us to comfort us, guide us, counsel us, remind us and impart us. There is no area of our life, the leading of the Holy Spirit is not needed.

Therefore, How can we hear the voice of the Holy Spirit?

1. Develop a love relationship with Him.

Spend time in the secret place and wait in stillness to receive instructions and follow His promptings.

When we pray, we don’t go asking God to do this or that for us. We go with the mindset of speaking and listening. The word says, call upon me and I would answer – Jer 33:1.

Note the two actions involved.

We call, He answers.

Meaning in the place of prayer, after we have laid our burdens and requests at His feet, we also have to wait to hear what He has to say about what we have just told Him. God speaks to us through the Holy Spirit and It is expressed in different ways, either a scripture gets laid in your heart about that particular situation.

or your thoughts become inspired or you actually hear His voice. It can even be you having a sudden mental picture of the situation. He can also speak to us through our dreams.

2. Study of the word

The longer time we spend studying the word of God, the more knowledge of Him we would come to have which will eventually open the ears of our mind to the voice of the Spirit. Jesus left this earth to leave us with a helper who would live in us.

Regardless, many times we shut Him out and drown His voice in all the chaos going on in our mind. The Holy Spirit in us transforms our lives, teaches us to let go of grievances and forgive trespasses, gives us peace in the midst of a storm. He is the promise of the Father to us. Our comforter.

He wants to move in us, stir our spirits and guide our feet. Stop resisting Him.

“Do not stifle the Holy Spirit.”

‭‭1 Thessalonians‬ ‭5:19‬ ‭NLT‬‬

It is pertinent we incorporate the Holy Spirit into everything we do. Ask questions and be ready to listen. Holy Spirit, what are you saying about this offer? should I go see that person or not? Is this food I am about to eat, good for me? Holy Spirit, tell me what next to do. Absolute reliance is the way to fully enjoy the benefits of a believer.

“So I say, let the Holy Spirit guide your lives. Then you won’t be doing what your sinful nature craves.”

Galatians‬ ‭5:16‬ ‭NLT‬‬

The Holy Spirit brings empowerment, engracement and comfort in a difficult time. The Spirit in us teaches us to say the right words at the time. Life would be way more different if we worked with the Holy Spirit as a partner in our daily lives. There

We won’t always need a constant bailout from trouble if we are listening to the voice of the Spirit. He is always speaking but are we listening?

“For all who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God.”

Romans‬ ‭8:14‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Blessings to you.

You are Loved💚💜💙


27 thoughts on “Everyday in His presence:-How to be led by the Holy Spirit.

  1. Perth Girl says:

    Great post. Being led by the spirit involves a surrender and yielding of ourselves to the spirit. And it is a choice. As you said Spending time with Him and studying the word will get us more attuned to His leading.
    Blessings 😊💙

    Liked by 1 person

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