My Birthday Q & A post

It is my birthday today and I am all forms of excited. Yayyyy!!!

In the spirit of celebration, I would be doing something different. Over the months, very kind and thoughtful bloggers have nominated me for different awards with questions attached to it. Therefore, I would pick a couple from all the questions and answer them in this post and I hope you enjoy reading it.

Here it goes-

1. Describe myself in 3 words

Extrointrovert (Coined it myself. Hehehe), A romantic at heart,

2. What is my conversion story?

Hmmm. I don’t have a Saul on the way to Damascus experience though. I was at a church meeting, felt really empty and lonely so when the preacher called for new converts, I knew I wanted to know Jesus for myself and here I am.

3. How long have I been a Christ follower?

I was born into a Christian family but gave my life to Christ July 30 2011

4. Do I attend a small, medium of large church?

I attend a Church with a congregation of about 2500. Please does that fall into medium or large?

5. Road trip or Train Trip.

Train Trip

6. Three things I love

Dance, Music, Books of a wide variety.

7. Favourite Holiday

Let’s see, Do I have one? Nope. Holiday means the same to me.

8. Who has inspired me the most?

My parents who kept me grounded. On the other hand, Kathryn Kulhman is a person I connect so much to.

9. If I had zero subscribers, would I still blog?

Yes. I truly cannot stop writing. And the desire to encourage others while doing so to myself burns everyday. So blogging to me is not just about the numbers, though it is a physical pat on the back but fulfilling the calling of God upon my life.

10. Not -so – likeable trait

I am a perfectionist and sometimes come down too hard on myself.

11. One interesting thing about me that people don’t know?

I love to play to an extent some believe I have a 5year old living in me.πŸ˜€

12. On my not so vibrant days, I clean up my house or dance. It makes me feel better

13. Lessons I have learned so far

a. No matter what I do even if I have to sell all my possessions and hand them out to the needy, people would still find faults. So I follow my purpose and care less. Like, Who cares, really?

b. To live in the moment

Most times, we can get stuck trying to figure out why our past turned out so messy and worry whether we would have the future we desire. In the midst of this we forget what truly matters, Today! Yes. Live for today. As Tomorrow would soon become today and yesterday was once today. Every day is a gift and I am going to live it intentionally.

c. No matter what you do, Never beg for love. I mean, what could be worse than falling off a Seven storey building? Begging to be loved. Yes, I said it. I am enough in myself, worthy and deserving, why would I beg someone to come be a part of my journey? Maybe when the sky turns red.

d. Quick Temper doesn’t look pretty on anyone

We always have the choice to be rational. It is best to take it.

e. Before you judge, empathize. Then maybe you won’t feel so eager to condemn.

f. In the face of dissapontment or discouragement, Stand strong.

That would be all friends and I hope you have a great weekend!

Off to celebrate now!


You are loved πŸ’œπŸ’šπŸ’™


50 thoughts on “My Birthday Q & A post

  1. nopassingfancy says:

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY! (Doing my own form of a birthday jive here πŸ˜‰ )
    My son turned thirteen on the same day that you gave your life to Christ πŸ˜‰
    Love number nine – I never check my stats… I too am here for the love of it πŸ˜‰
    The lessons you have learnt so far are very important ones. ❀
    Happy birthday, again. May your blessings of all that count be in abundance and may you see many more wonderful birthdays to come! ❀


  2. Fay Ann Swearing says:

    Every day is a great day to celebrate God’s wonderful works. But today is a great day to celebrate you, one of God’s most wondrous creations, Happy BirthdayπŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ€—! I pray that your special day will be filled with all the glory and the wonder of God’s unfailing love and may you feel his presence working on your life all throughout the coming years! May God continue to shower you with all the blessings you truly deserve! I wish that your faith in God will become even stronger and that God’s love will keep you going.

    Happy Blessed Birthday. Hope all your dreams will come through according to the will of GOD.πŸŽ‰πŸŽŠ


  3. cactusflower18 says:

    Aw; I am so sorry that I missed your Birthday. I hope it was a wonderful grand one and not easy to forget.
    I loved what you shared there about yourself; ya, I’d say too that I didn’t have a Damascus experience either, I was only 10 but I invited Jesus into my heart but didn’t know that I could have a real relationship with Him and so I went years in just trying to learn something about my salvation and heard more about hell and brimstone than about His love; that is just the way it was and at this point I know it was “religion” and not anything about relationship.
    It’s soooooo different now-it’s about having a relationship with God my heavenly Father, Jesus, His Son and the Holy Spirit He sent for my comfort and divine power to help me live the resurrection life He made possible for me to live. What a difference getting to know Him verses “about” Him!!!


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